2017 in Review

What a year it’s been.

Since 2017 is going to end, I find this to be a great time to reflect on what’s been happened in this year so far. For me it has come with many accomplishments and surprises. And happily, I experienced few disappointments. Here’s the list of all the good things that happened in 2017:
  1. 2017 is the first year in which I stepped my feet form a comfort place I called home. It’s been 6 months. Still trying to change my perspective about what to called “home”.
  2. And because of the things in number 1, in this year I truly realise that time is money. Because I have to pay for the plane ticket for spending weekend with my parents and my sister. What a money, right?
  3. Becoming a full-time employee with three different position, which are IT Support, System Analyst & Design Staff, and IT Planning Staff. I’m looking forward for the training that has been scheduled in 2018. I hope Allah will give me the chance to join that training.
  4. Another broke up after two years. Alhamdulillah, it gives me chance to find myself again.
  5. First time stepping my feet in Sumatra. Welcomed by General Manager of Sultan Syarif Kasim II airport and first time tried executive airport lounge. It always nice to visit new place and new experience that I’ve never been before. Looking forward for other business trip because it was fun!
  6. Start again my hiking activities after I stopped for last 2 years. It feels exciting.
  7. Learning to say “No” and “I don’t know”. I learnt to say “No” for hanging out with people that I don’t really like, learnt to say “No” for the work load that not belong to me, learnt to say “I don’t know” for the things that I don’t really know. I’ve been tried not to be a defensive kind-of-person. Yha. That’s not cool.
  8. Start learning hand-lettering. If you asked me where my money goes and what I watch in Youtube, that is the answer hahaha. It feels challenging. When you are fail at making a perfect line, you have to try again from the start. The result is yet to come to another post in this blog.
That is all the good things that happened in 2017 (as long as I can remember). Gonna put to the list if I remember the other lol

And what’s my resolution for 2018? 3726 mdpl? Pursue master degree? Going abroad? Getting married?

Oh Allah, surprise me.