My #100 Books Challenge 2018

I do like reading. Especially buku dengan topik seputar self-help, psikologi, sastra, biografi, atau novel dengan latar belakang kejadian real masa lalu. Back in time when I was in college, I could spend couple hours just to read books in Togamas bookstore (they have nice playlist too!). But as I grow older and move to this city, my life kinda stuck with 8-5 jobs dan disini tidak ada Togamas! *kray*

I have significant amount of wish list books that I really want to get through, but I haven’t ever made the time.  My free time got filled with mindless scrolling on Instagram lately. (Kenapa lu install lagi sih?)

So I challenge myself this year to reclaim that I love reading.
I know it’s little bit unrealistic and there’s a chance I won’t hit this goal since I haven’t read that much in previous year. But hey, what’s the point of challenge if it’s not challenging?

You can check the list here. Wish me luck xoxo

Update : I finished 43 of 100 books. Let's try again this year.